Appearance of the bottle of Ceroxin
  • reduces the density and visual severity of scars
  • reduces the redness of scars
  • promotes the healing of cuts without the formation of scar
Восстанавливающий гель Цероксин для чувствительной кожи

Often various defects appear on the skin – after diseases, operations, injuries. Such skin irregularities spoil the overall impression, and they can not always be hidden with makeup or clothing. Ceroxin gel helps to visually reduce skin irregularities and defects, remove redness and give the skin a more aesthetic appearance.


Инновационный гель Цероксин для ухода за лицом и телом после воздействия неблагоприятных факторов и косметологических процедур
  • reduces the density and visual severity of scars
  • reduces the redness of scars
  • promotes the healing of cuts without the formation of scars
Восстанавливающий гель Цероксин для чувствительной кожи

Often various defects appear on the skin – after diseases, operations, injuries. Such skin irregularities spoil the overall impression, and they can not always be hidden with makeup or clothing. Ceroxin gel helps to visually reduce skin irregularities and defects, remove redness and give the skin a more aesthetic appearance.

Рис. Кожа со следами плохо зажившего пореза



Using a dispenser, gently apply the gel to the exposed skin area. Spread evenly over the entire area. Wait 5 minutes until the film is completely absorbed and formed


Repeat the procedure 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. To enhance the effect, you can apply a regular day or evening cream on top


The duration of use is from 1 week to 3 months. In the case of long-standing scars, the duration can be increased



Рис. Шрам на коже после операции
The use of Ceroxin for the removal of postoperative scar

The informed consent of the patient and the permission of the Ethics Committee for the use of Ceroxin gel was obtained. The photo on the left shows the area of the skin immediately after the operation. On the third day after the operation, there was a significant improvement in the scar area. In the photo on the right, the place where the scar was located on the 14th day after the operation.


Рис. ПослеоРис. Послеоперационный шов после лечения Цероксином цераксинос следы на коже при постакне